Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms I know. This includes those doggie mamas, too.

Thanks to my mom for teaching me how to be a mother. Thanks to my sisters and sisters-in-law and all the women in my life who have taught me about love, patience and forgiveness and important things like where to find the best shoes!

I am blessed to have two wonderful children. They wish they had more siblings which I take as a compliment. I have never wanted anything more in my life than to be a mother and if I were to die tomorrow, I would be satisfied I had experienced motherhood.

My wish for my children is for them to be happy in their lives. I don't care if they are rich or poor, tall or short, skinny or fat, as long as they feel happy when they wake up each day. My illness has taught me the importance of the the little things, of slowing down and appreciating individual moments of the day. In spite of the chaos of the past two years, I am happier now than I ever was before. And I credit Richie, Madeline and Charlie with that. They have taught me what is really important in life. I am loved and I am capable of love. Who could ask for more?

1 comment:

nat said...

Definitely appreciate and cherish the little things!

I'm glad that you had a nice mothers day :)